Saturday, November 29, 2008

Belated Thanksgiving

Happy belated thanksgiving to all!!!!

I hope and trust that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. The traditional dinner that has all the fixing and trimmings. This is a special time of the year that everyone looks to spend time with family and friends. A time of thanks that is much needed throughout the year. A time to reflect on love and appreciation of ones family and friends.

It is also a time to reflect on how blessed we are. If you have Christ in you life you have the ultimate reason to give thanks everyday of your life. Along with our thanks for turkey and good eating we should celebrate Jesus. We give him thanks today and hopefully everyday for dying on the cross for us. We thank him for taking on the sins of humanity and cleaning the slate for those that ask him into there hearts. We give thanks for the trinity God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Harvest is ripe but the Laborer are few

When we see the picture of the man in the field, it is evident he is working alone. This is a good illustration of the scripture Luke 10:2 which says that the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Imagine litterally being the man in the picture trying to take care of a huge field such as this one. What would be some of the things that would go through your mind. I know help comes to my mind; so what comes to yours?

God wants us to be laborers for his work. He needs people who are willing to think of others while doing Gods will. I know many people are out there saying that they are christians, but how many are doing things in the church or in ministry. God is not pleased with people being bench warmers. Jesus is coming soon lets put our hands to the plow.