Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tribute to Mom

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out there. Whether your a new mom or a Veteran you deserve an applause for all your efforts of taking care of your children. Especially to single mom's. Your effort does not go unnoticed. God is aware of all your sacrafices and in many a day you know for a fact that he has given you strength to complete the many task that are from day to day. You are special whether someone gives you a pat on the back and in many cases a warrior. You fight on a daily basis to take care of the needs of your family and in many cases denying yourself.

What greater love than this than a man lay down his life for his friend. Mom you really are a friend.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

I was surprised to know that Easter is not only about Jesus, the Easter bunny or Coloring eggs. These are a compilation of customs and celebration in roman time. When these festival of different religions was combined by Roman Emperor Constantine. He was one of the first christian Roman Emperors. He was trying to please all of the people when he did this. I now know why some people have begun to refer to Easter as Resurrection Sunday. Nothing against those that color eggs and Eat chocolate covered Easter Bunny's.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Hallelujah!!!!! It's resurrection Sunday. Jesus gave us a reason to be happy for this day. Good Friday was the beginning ,but when we look at Sunday he rose with all power in his hand. He made himself an example of what we can do. Though he died for us, if we have excepted Jesus as our savior we can rise again to0. Even though he knew he would die an agonizing death he would show the ultimate example of Love.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What happened on the seconed day-Saturday

Jesus died on calvary on that Friday. My question is what happened between that Friday, and that Easter Sunday. The ultimate question is what was Jesus doing? Where did he go and what was accomblished?

When Jesus died on the cross he said it is finished. That was the ultimate part but something else happened. When he went into Haddes(Hell) unloosed the keys to captivity. All of the people that were on the good side of Hell called Haddess were the great saints such as Abraham, Moses, and all the other people that tried to keep the Commandments. When Jesus went down there it was said that saints were even seen walking about. This was amazing. The devil thought that he had Jesus and that he would not be able to get pass the captivity of Hell, but he rose with all power in his hand.

If you have more feedback let me know. I don't have all the answers.

Today is Good Friday

Today goes down as a day in history. Who would have died for you???

Not many would have died on the cross for your sins. We need to look at all that Jesus has done.

What Did Jesus Do?

1. He was accused of being King of the Jews.

2. He was whipped with 39 stripes on his back.

3. He had a bed of thorns placed on his head.

4. He had to walk all the way to cavalry with a heavy cross on his back (task not completed due to being weak and needing help). Therefore, walked the rest of the way in a hot dusty road to Calvalry.

5. Had his hands nailed to the cross.

6. Had his feet nailed to the cross. Was lifted up with his hands and feet for all to see in humiliation.

7. Nicely baked in the sun for hours until nicely agonized. Forgive those who were involved for they knew not what they had done. Pierced in the side to show that he was dead.

Could you have done all this?? Would you have wanted to??

Whew, I don't know about you but thank God for Jesus OXX Jesus.