Categories : Missions
Deborah’s Missionary Journey
Hi Everyone
I have been mucho Busy. I have been studying and going to classes.with the House of David. I have really learned a lot about ministry. For certain things to take place for Forgotten Seed I realize that there is a lot I will have to do and learn. As they say” be patient with me God is not through with me yet.” I would like you to see some of the interesting bible studies that I have been inspired from. They are Mission minded and have classes such as Evangelism, General Minister, Inetercessory Parayer, etc. Here is the study that was sent to me today.
Why are there so many needs in the world? Did God abandon us, leaving us without the necessary resources to meet the many needs that humanity faces? No, God has not abandoned His people, neither has He forgotten about those in the world. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world, causing all those who believe to have access to the Kingdom and its resources. Yet, with heavens resources readily available and at our fingertips, the many needs of humanity, including miracles, healing, deliverance, and provisions have gone unmet. So the question should actually be, “how do we get heavens resources to those in need (both the Christian and unbeliever)?” Included with this letter is a teaching entitled “The Kingdom Of God (Heaven) Is Within You.” This teaching will increase your knowledge in the Word of God, your understanding of your purpose, the heavenly resources available to you, and if applied, it will dramatically increase your faith level. I will also send this lesson to your e-mail address. If you do not receive this lesson in your e-mail, please call my office at (516) 792-3465 or toll free at 1(877)35-JESUS, or you can e-mail me your e-mail address at Tonyowensmin@optonline.net or Houseofdavidministries@verizon.net (even if you get the whole lesson with this letter, if it is not in your e-mail, please call or e-mail me your e-mail address, because you will often miss other important lessons (teachings) and free books that are given as a blessing to those who I have their e-mail addresses.)
I still want to afford you the opportunity to receive as my Free Gift to you any one or all of these books, “When Jesus Comes”, and/or “Faith To Understand And Activate The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit”, and/or “The Deliverance Course.” You can either call my office at the above telephone number or e-mail your request. Also if you are interested in my free Aspiring Ministry Licensing Program or Ministry Development Program (for those already in Ministry), you can either register on line at www.riversofrevival.com.If you have found these teachings a blessing, then call or e-mail my office to give us the names, mailing addresses and/or e-mail addresses of other Christians that you believe will be benefited by these teachings. For any correspondence that you have for me, write to Tony Owens or House of David Ministries Inc. 71 South Central Ave, suite 102, Valley Stream, NY 11580.
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Categories : missions
Busy doing some groovy stuff. Hope your having a TERRIFIC summer. There will be some new additions to the website coming up soon.
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Categories : Uncategorized
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers out there. I am wishing you a Happy one and a safe one. I pray that you are training your kids up in the way they shall go for when they are old they will not depart from it. When you look at the video below look at the spiritual aspect.
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Categories : Bible, Bible School, Bible Study, Business Women, Father, Fathers Day, Happy Father's Day, Men, Mens
What to do before you feel sick
With all the rumors around about the swine flu and cold. Keep taking your Vitamins and take immune fighters. Antioxidants can be our best friend at this time. Drink your orange juice or take your vitamin C daily.It’s important to educate or self on what our body needs, but more important to do the things our body needs. Take care of yourself and say your prayers.
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Categories : Bible, Bible School, Bible Study, Black, Business Women, Healing, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Love, Religions, Sick, Sick Day, Sick Days, Women, heroes
In Memory Of Our Veterans
When you think of memorial Day what do think of? Do you think of a day that we can lounge around the house,barbecue or A day to sleep in. We must give honor where honor is due. We have to say a prayer for those who have fought in the wars gone buy, but we must also remember to pray for the soldiers in Iraq. Without the bravery of the veterans and present soldiers we would not be the free country we are today.
A Big Thank you goes out to all the soldiers out there past and present. God bless you for your heroic acts and unselfishness.
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Categories : Bible, In memory, Iraq, Men, Soldiers, heroes, veterans
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. Whether you have your own children or your taking care of someeone elses; as a Sunday School teacher,God Parent, Foster Parent/Guardian,Auntie, Grandparent,Baby sitter,etc.
These songs go out to you.Listen to one or all. Enjoy.
I’ll Always Love MY MaMa by Intruders
A song for Mama by Boyz II Men-
Boyz II Men – A Song For Mama
Uploaded by banatchec
“Thanks To All The Artist That Made This Possible” -Forgotten Seed
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Categories : Bible, Bible School, Bible Study, Black, Business Women, Calvalry, Faith, God, Hallelujah, Missions, Mom, Mothers Day, Religions, Sunday School, The Cross, religion
Tribute to Mom
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out there. Whether your a new mom or a Veteran you deserve an applause for all your efforts of taking care of your children. Especially to single mom’s. Your effort does not go unnoticed. God is aware of all your sacrafices and in many a day you know for a fact that he has given you strength to complete the many task that are from day to day. You are special whether someone gives you a pat on the back and in many cases a warrior. You fight on a daily basis to take care of the needs of your family and in many cases denying yourself.
What greater love than this than a man lay down his life for his friend. Mom you really are a friend.
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Categories : Bible, Bible School, Bible Study, Faith, Happy Mothers Day, Jesus, Love, Mom, Mothers Day, Women, Womens History
Happy Easter
I was surprised to know that Easter is not only about Jesus, the Easter bunny or Coloring eggs. These are a compilation of customs and celebration in roman time. When these festival of different religions was combined by Roman Emperor Constantine. He was one of the first christian Roman Emperors. He was trying to please all of the people when he did this. I now know why some people have begun to refer to Easter as Resurrection Sunday. Nothing against those that color eggs and Eat chocolate covered Easter Bunny’s.
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Categories : Bible, Bible School, Bible Study, Business Women, Calvalry, Easter, Easter Sunday, Faith, God, Golgatha, Good Friday, History, Jesus, Jesus Christ
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